Well for the first time that I have been here, it rained!! I actually didn't mind it, but I don't want it here for the weekend. Some friends and I are planning on going to a place that has rafting, ziplining, horseback riding, and hiking, (massages :)) on saturday so no rain!! I am pretty excited for that! Went shopping today and had to buy some flip flops, adidas, because my feet aren't used to walking all day in like sandals for dress and I packed all my comfy ones into storage. :(
I have not felt so American before today. I wore what I normally do in the states, but that is not the same here. The wear clothes that are somewhat 'dressier' than what I wear on a normal day. So today when I walked to school and was wearing baseball athletic shorts, tshirt, twins sweatshirt and a nike mesh bag jamming to my ipod...wow I felt right at home in the states. Too funny. All of my friends said today..."wow I can tell you are from America." Great. It is the same when I wear like running shorts or so with my nike sneaks...a little out of place, but oh so comfy to me. Dude I don't want to dress up when I am just going to sweat because I walk outside in the 80 degree weather everyday...no.
There is a special day that is creeping up...what could that be?...oh ya 2/14 Valentine's day, and a friends 21!, and let me tell you I feel like the people here are expressing their love to their 'others' everyday. As some of my friends say, Santiago is the City of Love. I know for a fact this does not happen in the states and I would not be caught doing it, sure a peck is ok but not the groping and tonguing in public. Yes, I said it. People on the streets just make out in plain daylight, today I saw a guy tounging his gf? with his eyes open and a girl looking around at the people while she makes out...so strange. I guess they just really love each other or something. I hope that it doesn't get worse on monday...??...Other than that and the constant stares because I do not appear to be from Chile :) and constant remarks from all the guys towards any girl...I love this city.
Every city has a few bugs...but the most part is awesome. I am just excited to travel and see Chile. This weekend I am not going to La Serena because there was not really a way to get back if I wanted to be back at class on monday. But a group of us are going to go rafting and have fun in a natural pool!! Next week is the last week of the intensive spanish course and then I got to get ready to travel and then hit the books with the semester. 3 weeks already down....won't believe it when my time is up.
Today at dinner my family and I talked about a movie I watched in class about a war in Chile during time of Pinochet...and then the comparison to our Civil war. Then we started talking about how a comedian, C. Willie Miles, believes that the people in the south are still practicing because they think that they are going to win the next civil war. ha. But ya just a conversation about the states and how it is different from other countries. Also the person that I had to talk to about our trip on Saturday was from New Jersey and she could tell I was from Minnesota!! Ahh do I have that bad of an accent?? Too funny.
Well that is all so far this week, just a lot of homework, anohter presentation next week and then done. Time to sleep and recuperate for Friday!! Talk soon
Ciao de Chile
Hey chica! I love reading this. I can hear you talk when I do. Sounds like you are having a great time, and I hope you are learning (haha). Work isn't the same with out you! p.s this is Tiff. <3
ReplyDeleteOH Tiff...fun as it can be!! I bet so, it is strange writing my words here, but easier than the journal I try to keep...not so good. Oh I will be back at work before you know it.