Saturday, June 4, 2011

Busy...Busy...little bee

Well it has been a few days longer than I wanted to write this, but as I wrote: busy, busy. I recently started my second summer class through the internet and this has filled up all of my free time that I had. I have much to read as this class will finish my history minor and is challenging. My courses are about American Indians and the Crusades. I have to admit that I am a bit of a history nerd and like learning about this stuff, so it is interesting to me I just have to get into it. Other than summer classes through my university in South Dakota, things in Santiago are starting to wind down. I have 3 weekends left in Santiago until I take a trip to San Pedro de Atacama the just days before I leave. The time has gone by fast and I know I will have mixed feelings by the time its all done. I am ready to get home, but when am I going to have this opportunity again and then there are those people who I have bonded so greatly with in the last 5 months. But other than that things are happening at home. Summer vacation is there meaning summer sports, SUN, swimming and much more. This is what I am pumped for...WARMTH.

This week has been eventful in Santiago. Sunday I went running...28 minutes only one one minute stop!! and when I got back the consierge told me that there was an emergency alert for Santiago. The 'contamination' smog in the air had reached a critical level that running was not suggested and people were recommended to stay home. I realized that something was different for when I was running, it was extra hard to breathe and now I know why! So as I have 8 runs left in 30 days I WANT to finish...working up to I'll figure it out. Other than that type of exercising I have started to attend Yoga classes. You know after my body gets stretched out and feels so relaxed it is such a nice thing to do. So I try to exercise everyday..but Wednesday's those are my relax days!! Got to watch the great..bread and typical Chilean food for a bit...again b/c its summer back home!

Today I went horseback riding for 2 hours with a few girls and we had a picnic afterwards. It was a great day and so fun. The thing I know I will have withdrawals from is the view of the mountains. The sights I saw today were just breathtaking and I know I couldn't get a just picture. I am trying to do stuff every weekend to make the time count. Tomorrow I will be going to Ruby Tuesday's here in compare...and then to see the new Hangover movie. Should be an eventful night again. The next event will be next thursday where I organized a group dinner for a bunch of us who have known each other since the first day, this will be at a famous restaurant here in town so cross fingers its worth it.

Nothing else besides homework and getting ready for final exams here. I do know my speaking has improved because people tell me all the time. Although I don't believe them a lot, they assure me that I speak like I have been here for a long time. So I got that going for me. Also it is quite funny to look back at my first videos to now and see the improvement. I have been watching baseball live on the internet and it is nice to finally see it again...even if I am jealous at the nice weather.

So time is winding down and I am becoming a little more busy with classes so I will try to keep these updated as much as I can. Thanks to those reading I appreciate it so much. Until later, Ciau from Chile.

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